Is your lawn struggling despite your efforts to bring it back to health? If so, it might be time to look at the soil as it might be compacted. If it is, you need to schedule core aeration! Core aeration involves pulling plugs of soil from your lawn to loosen hard, compacted soil and reduce thatch buildup. Doing this allows nutrients, water, air, and sunlight to penetrate the ground and reach the roots of your grass. This way, your lawn has access to the resources it needs to grow strong and lush. Core aeration should be performed when your grass is at its strongest. If you have a cool-season lawn in North Carolina, schedule your core aeration service in the fall. Meanwhile, warm-season lawns should be aerated in the spring or summer.

Core aeration alleviates soil compaction and reduces thatch buildup.

Core aeration is a lawn care service that involves pulling 2 to 3-inch plugs of soil from your lawn to alleviate soil compaction. Your soil can be compacted for several reasons, like heavy foot traffic, the weight of lawn mowers moving across it, and rainfall. When the soil is compacted, your lawn will have a hard time absorbing the nutrients and resources it needs to grow healthy. By aerating your lawn, you can make soil compaction a problem of the past!

Aerating your lawn is also a reliable way to reduce thatch buildup. Thatch is the layer of accumulated dead grass and other debris that can block your lawn from having access to vital resources that promote robust growth. Loosening compacted soil helps to break up the thick layer of thatch on your turf and allows your grass to breathe. It also helps to stimulate the development of deep roots by giving them enough space to grow!

Core aeration improves drainage on your lawn, which helps prevent lawn diseases from developing.

Aerating your lawn makes it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass.

One of the best things that core aeration does for your lawn is improve the flow of nutrients and other vital resources to the roots of your grass. Since the process involves pulling plugs of soil from your lawn, it creates hundreds of tiny holes in the ground and opens up channels where nutrients, water, air, and sunlight can pass through to reach the roots of your grass. It also boosts the effects of fertilizer treatments since your grass can better absorb the nutrients from these applications.

When should core aeration be performed?

Your core aeration service should be timed just right so you can get the best results. Because the process can be rather invasive, you'll want to do it when your lawn is at its strongest and actively growing so it can tolerate the process. This means the timing is different depending on your grass type. Before aerating your lawn, take into account whether you have cool-season or warm-season grass.

  • Cool-season lawns should be aerated in the fall. Cool-season grass thrives when temperatures are cool, making fall the perfect time to schedule this service since it will be able to endure the aeration process and heal from it before your grass enters dormancy.
  • Warm-season lawns should be aerated in the spring or summer. This type of grass does best when the temperatures are warm, and will be at its strongest during the spring and summer.

Call us today to schedule our core aeration service!

If you want to make soil compaction a problem of the past, you need to schedule our core aeration service. When you hire our crew, we will pass over your lawn once with our aerator machine, making sure we reach all areas to effectively loosen compacted soil. We aerate cool-season lawns in the fall and warm-season lawns in the spring or summer. Our core aeration service is available to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Matthews, Weddington, Ballantyne, NC, and nearby areas. Call us today at (704) 649-0430 to schedule!